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Dec 22, 2021

The end of the Greek Pantheon is finally here. Kratos brings Mt. Olympus crumbling down as he extracts his revenge on his father, Zeus. Max and Logan rip through Sony Santa Monica’s version of Greece one final time to discuss where Kratos’ journey has taken him and see where he was left before entering the realm...

Dec 8, 2021

We head back to Ready at Dawn’s original attempt at putting the power of Olympus on the PSP. Developed alongside God of War II, Kratos’ first prequel feels more like a traditional sequel. Max and Logan decide whether or not putting God of War on the go was a killer idea or just beating a dead centaur.

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Nov 24, 2021

For the first time in the series, Kratos is on a journey for salvation rather than vengeance. Released just eight months after God of War III, the Marked Warrior returned to the PlayStation Portable in grand fashion. Max and Logan sink the city of Atlantis to find out if Kratos can save his family before he seeks...

Nov 10, 2021

With a new director at the helm, God of War II helped end the PS2 on a high note with the promise of an epic conclusion on Sony’s brand new PS3. Special guest Grant Huff joins Max and Logan to find the edge of the world and challenge fate itself.

You can download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

God of War...

Oct 27, 2021

The God of War franchise enters the proverbial Colosseum with its multiplayer debut. God of War: Ascension was one of the PlayStation 3’s swan songs and it could have been the same for Kratos. Max Roberts and Logan Moore go back in time to 2013 to try and figure out what happened to the Ghost of Sparta.

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