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Chapter Select

Jul 19, 2023

It is time to launch the next era of Chapter Select. Say hello to Super Chapter Select, a premium version of the seasonal, bounce back and forth podcast you know and love. For just $20 a year, you will gain access to longer episodes and supplemental bonus content for every single season. At launch, we have nearly 20 hours of member exclusive content. You can sign up right now to support the show and gain access the entire Super Chapter Select catalog.


You can download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

Get Super Chapter Select: longer shows, exclusive episodes, and bonus videos.


We have been working on Super Chapter Select for nearly two years now. The first journal entry I have fleshing out the idea is dated November 29, 2021. We began production in earnest with Season 3 – Banjo-Kazooie. That's also when we planned on launching the membership alongside Season 6 – Pokémon.

You could say this has been a long time coming. Logan and I have made shows together for over eight years. We love podcasting together and producing the best show possible. We now feel like we have a special show and offering for fans to directly support the us and the program.

Producing a premium show has been a goal of mine for over five years. I’ve been studying memberships and shows I adore to understand what makes them appealing to me and their audiences. I wanted to take our time and build our show right. I set out to apply their best principles in a way that fits our show and gives our audience a wonderful product at a fair price.

Thank you for joining us for this next chapter. We hope you enjoy!